Pat Burgener interrupts his pre-season training in the Swiss Alps to come to Berlin for the German Nursing Day. The singer-songwriter has songs from his repertoire that invite you to dream and dance. But also songs about lows and defeats and how to deal with them.
Before his trip to Berlin, Pat dealt intensively with the workload in the care sector. With his performance, he wants to express his appreciation for caregivers, who from his point of view are often in similar extreme physical and mental situations as he is as a high-performance athlete.
Come to the LifeBonus stadium and experience this likeable and impressive person live, and after a hard day at the congress, enjoy a cool sound and a large dose of joie de vivre at the end!
Health promotion. Reimagined.Funded by the Nursing Workforce Strengthening Act.
The App for Caregivers

The HealthCoach

Dear facility managers, nursing service managers and visitors of the German Nursing Day 2022,
On this landing page, we would like to make you an offer for a novel, hybrid and nursing-specific BGF program that fulfills the claim of effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency.
Why was it necessary to develop such a program? Because classic BGF programs do not work. Not in any industry. Too complex to implement, ineffective, too expensive, not job-specific, hardly any participants. This list could be continued. Until 2017, we ourselves were a conventional BGF service provider and speak from experience.
Below you will find all the details about the concept, program and product.
Frequently asked questions and answers
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How was the program created?
In 2017, based on our then two years of experience as a WHP service provider, we started to analyze the difficulties and hurdles for successful health promotion and to remove them one by one.
In 2019, we developed our program in the care sector and have been testing and optimizing it ever since. To date, approximately 1,000 caregivers have participated. Two key optimization steps make the difference:
The digitization of exercise and stress management courses and training, and the transfer to the "App for caregivers".
The development of the function of an in-house multiplier for employee health promotion, including training and support concept. We call this function "HealthCoach."
These two elements unfold their full effect in the team, as a hybrid solution: up to 50 caregivers per HealthCoach use their app for caregivers. In the app, they will find a complete package of target-group-friendly, job-specific exercise and stress management training that will improve the health of your employees (and, of course, your own) and make everyday caregiving easier.
The in-house HealthCoach accompanies and motivates colleagues and is the contact person for questions about the training content or the app. He organizes the BGF programs in companies.
The LifeBonus team accompanies the caregivers as digital trainers in the background and supervises HealthCoaches on a weekly basis.
The "App for Caregivers & Health Coach" program is currently being used in 55 facilities and services across Germany with approximately 3,800 caregivers. The app and the program are very popular with caregivers, with between 70% and 90% of staff taking part in the programs.
What does the app for caregivers contain?
The app for caregivers includes the following topics & sections
Body section with: Caregiver-typical movement training, exercises/workouts, video feedback for personal feedback on movement execution.
Mind section with: Stress management training and exercises, sound worlds (melodies for relaxation), yoga exercises for relaxation.
Messanger for direct communication with LifeBonus trainers and experts.
Home area with: Current information, recipes and nutrition tips, introduction videos of LifeBonus trainers and experts.
What is a health coach?
A HealthCoach is an employee of your care facility, e.g. a nurse, who acquires competence in care-specific health management through training at the LifeBonus Academy and individual weekly supervision. HealthCoaches act as multipliers in their care facilities, outpatient services and hospitals towards colleagues and company management with the aim of introducing, consolidating and further developing BGF programs. They motivate and accompany their colleagues during app-based training sessions in stress management, job-specific exercise and strength training. Health coaches continue to perform their nursing duties, for example, and only spend a maximum of 5 hours of their weekly working time on HealthCoach tasks.
Benefits of a health coach
The use of a HealthCoach ensures the continuation of WHP programs, which normally ends after the conclusion of WHP funding by a statutory health insurance fund.
The hybrid program, consisting of the HealthCoach, who is available to the colleagues as a contact person at eye level, in combination with the app for nurses, contributes to a high acceptance of the program among the employees and is thus integrated into everyday nursing care.
The HealthCoach qualification is a comprehensive further training measure for employees, which on the one hand expresses your appreciation as an employer and at the same time supports the personal development of the HealthCoach.
Tasks of a health coach
HealthCoaches are multipliers for preventive and health-promoting behavior within their institution and towards colleagues who are accompanied in their everyday nursing care. In combination with the app for nurses, they motivate and support colleagues in learning and applying low-stress movements and stress management techniques.
Within a facility, a health coach is responsible for workplace health promotion. This includes support in setting up health structures in the company or expanding existing structures, as well as designing internal measures for health promotion and prevention. The tasks also include supporting internal corporate communications with regard to health promotion and health promotion measures and active participation in internal, topic-related working and steering groups.
Use of a health coach in the facility or nursing service
The deployment of a HealthCoach can be integrated into the daily work routine and is carried out in close coordination with the nursing service management. The exemplary weekly overview shows a possible deployment.

The LifeBonus Academy
Under the leadership of experienced professional athlete and soccer coach Holger Stanislawski, the LifeBonus Academy was founded in Hamburg in December 2020. Together with a team of doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, sports scientists and trainers for sports rehabilitation, Holger Stanislawski has developed a curriculum that guarantees high-quality and recognized training and support for the HealthCoaches. The hybrid training consists of 2 online learning phases and one attendance phase. The Academy is headquartered in Hamburg. However, the trainers are on the road all over Germany and also conduct the presence phase at your location.
The e-learning platform for online learning allows for individual self-study without predefined course times. In addition, the course participants meet with the trainers at set times in a virtual course room to work on case studies together, deepen topics in workshops and exchange ideas with the instructors.
Each learning phase is followed by an online learning success check. After successful completion of the training, the HealthCoaches receive a certificate.
A detailed support concept tailored to the needs of the HealthCoach and his or her facility ensures that the knowledge gained is consolidated and actively applied in everyday care and in the respective facility. During the 30-minute weekly online support, each HealthCoach is individually supervised according to a predefined concept. This includes, for example, preparation and support in organizing working group meetings or dealing with objections. In addition to the app for caregivers, each HealthCoach receives a tablet with all training documents, templates, sample presentations and much more for the qualified execution of their tasks.
In addition, HealthCoaches are personally visited at least three times by their own trainer at the facility, nursing service or hospital and receive on-site training.
Training content for the HealthCoach
The four-week continuing education program to become a HealthCoach comprises a total of 48 hours and takes place in three phases.
The following training content is taught:
Phase 1: Digital E-Learning (Approx. 16 hours)
Future HealthCoaches learn how to use the app for caregivers and how to use it to learn low-impact movements, as well as effective techniques for dealing with stress factors and in-depth basics of communication and dealing with resistance.
Phase 2: Two-day classroom course (2x8 hours)
During the face-to-face course, HealthCoaches deepen the content already taught in the introductory module and learn further health-promoting movements as well as specific movements for working in a (partially) inpatient care facility, an outpatient care service or a hospital. Further course contents include: Supervision of colleagues in learning movements using the app; Practical basics and self-reflection in the topic of motivation, self-awareness in the topic of values, self-awareness & self-reflection in the topic of stress management, self-reflection in the topic of communication and relationship building; Tips & tricks for integrating BGM/BGF into everyday care. Communication and dealing with technical challenges.
Phase 3: Digital E-Learning (Approx. 16 hours)
Recognition of job-specific stresses in outpatient and inpatient geriatric and nursing care (including movements, stressors) and how to deal with them using the app; knowledge transfer techniques (including methodology / didactics / learning types).
Self-reflection topic self-confidence and webinar: healthy and active lifestyle - role model function towards colleagues.
Knowledge transfer on prevention and health promotion offers and basic knowledge transfer on the topic of BGM / BGF as well as webinar on setting up and managing the health working group and steering committee.
About the promotion
A WHP package App for Caregivers & HealthCoach includes the following service contents:

Based on the Nursing Staff Strengthening Act (PpSG), these costs are generally eligible for funding from the statutory health insurance funds. A corresponding application for funding can be submitted to any health insurance fund.
Based on the positive experience of the Techniker Krankenkasse with the program, funding is also promising for your facility or service. Longer terms may also be eligible for funding. Please contact us if you would like to know more about this.
You will find a sample funding application in the download area. We will be happy to support you in the application process and in filling out the grant application. Please contact us!
Your invest:
Release of the future HealthCoaches for two attendance days at the LifeBonus Academy
Release of the HealthCoaches for approx. 5 hours per week from their previous work in order to be able to perform the tasks as a HealthCoach.
For the implementation of the BGF measure, you allow your employees to use the app for caregivers for an average of 30 minutes per week during working hours.
Your benefits:
Reduction of sick days due to musculoskeletal disorders and stress-related illnesses.
Implementation of sustainable and effective WHP measures
Reduction of physical and stress-related strain on employees
More satisfied employees who stay longer at the facility
WHP program as a recruitment tool
Application for funding
Seven steps to launching the "App for Caregivers & HealthCoach" program:
You decide on a statutory health insurance company with whose support you would like to carry out the BGF measure and have a corresponding funding application sent to you.
Complete, print and sign the application form with the support of LifeBonus.
Submit the funding application to the statutory health insurance company of your choice.
After approximately four weeks, you will receive a response from the statutory health insurance company. If the funding decision is positive, you will be notified of the funding amount.
Please submit a copy of the funding approval to LifeBonus.
The already prepared contract for the implementation of the BGF measure between you and LifeBonus comes into force.
Together with LifeBonus, the start of the "App for Caregivers & HealthCoach" program in your facility, your outpatient care service or your hospital will be determined.
If you decide to implement the "App for Caregivers & HealthCoach" program with the support of Techniker Krankenkasse, please use the funding application provided in the download area. We will be happy to support you in filling out the application.
Do you lack the digital infrastructure to implement the program?
Then let's talk! Depending on the circumstances in your company, we can support you by providing mobile WLAN and/or smartphones on a project basis. This way, the health of your employees does not have to wait until the digital infrastructure is retrofitted in your facility or service.
Would you like to find out more?
Choose a desired date for your request

Our address
Health Management GmbH
Flughafenstrasse 1-3
Airport Plaza
House C, Level 3
22335 Hamburg